
Individual, Couples
and Group Counselling
No Short-cuts in Mediation
Mediation is a structured process with specific steps that must be done carefully and professionally. If someone tries to take a short cut, bad things can happen. I recently came across such a case in which a client used a mediator that was not careful and did not follow the process properly and precisely. The mistake that was made was in the signing of the document and meeting with the parties separately. The mediator seems to have let one of the parties modify the agreement and black sections out. This led to one of the parties being short changed and not receiving some of the money that they were entitled to. Even before this, there was a history of domestic violence, something which is a red flag for mediators. Mediation is not usually recommended where there is a history of domestic violence. The lesson, choose a mediator carefully, follow the process and expect the mediator to follow professional ethics. Mediation is effective and affordable, but there are no short cuts.